
原分类: 默认分类, Linux

  • 我使用的是B+版。
  • 这是图片:B+ 3D渲染图

B+ 实物图

\1. More GPIO.
The GPIO header has grown to 40 pins, while retaining the same pinout for the first 26 pins as the Model A and B.
\2. More USB.
We now have 4 USB 2.0 ports, compared to 2 on the Model B, and better hotplug and overcurrent behaviour.
\3. Micro SD.
The old friction-fit SD card socket has been replaced with a much nicer push-push micro SD version.
\4. Lower power consumption.
By replacing linear regulators with switching ones we’ve reduced power consumption by between 0.5W and 1W.
\5. Better audio.
The audio circuit incorporates a dedicated low-noise power supply.
\6. Neater form factor.
We’ve aligned the USB connectors with the board edge, moved composite video onto the 3.5mm jack, and added four squarely-placed mounting holes.
vi /boot/config.txt 
  1. armfreq:ARM处理器的频率,单位是MHz。默认值是 700。
  2. 最简单的方法是将txt文件最后的armfreq把前面的#去掉即可启用
  3. 树莓派超频配置
  4. 更加详细的配置可见:英文原文|中文翻译
  • 如何查看当前CPU频率以及温度
  1. 查看频率

    cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
  2. 查看温度

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
  3. 显示结果如下图树莓派温度以及频率显示
  4. 由图可知,当前CPU频率为900MHz,温度为29度。
