Why Should You Put Linux In Your Computer

原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/592.html原分类:LinuxMy life has changed quite alot since the day I switched to Ubuntu, a friendly Linux distribution with more than twenty million users around the world.

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Linux Basics: du Command Usage

原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/591.html原分类:Arch Linux, LinuxToday we will discuss about how to find or summarize the disk usage on Unix/Linux systems using the du command. du stands forDisk Usage. In

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Remarkable: A New MarkDown Editor For Linux

原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/588.html原分类:Arch Linux, LinuxRemarkable is a new free fully featured Markdown editor for Linux distributions. It has features such as Live preview making markdown codin

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How To Fix Xfce4-Panel Crashes In Manjaro Linux

原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/587.html原分类: Arch Linux, LinuxWhat is the Cause?XFCE Panel is crashing because: a running application is uses a font type in its title, since this type font (normall

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Install Numix Icon and Theme In Arch Linux

原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/584.html原分类: Arch Linux, LinuxNumix from its official website, is a modern and stylish way to give your desktop a warm and jazzy feel.In this tutorial am going to sh

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用Infinality改善Arch Linux字体渲染

原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/583.html原分类: Arch Linux, Linux安装用 infinality 打包过的 freetype2 和 fontconfig。freetype 是字体渲染程序,fontconfig 是对字体的配置规则。默认情况下的绘字库的显示效果不是很好,所以我们要安装打过补丁的版本。两个打过补丁的包名字叫做 freetyp

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原链接:http://blog.pcwuyu.com/2015/578.html原分类:资源全集1080P (12.9G) : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:78CB9A402471339D94D616D4357DFF17BA37C292720P (24.0G) : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:EC25D649FADFDD1F61E6EF0F19C862BD023ED9B0S

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  • 不谢: Z‍e‍r‍o‍Omega 就不错
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  • 袅残烟: 感谢推荐,之前不知道有这个东西。
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  • 袅残烟: 测试
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